Wednesday, February 24, 2010

No Wilting of The Buds Despite Rain In Walnut Creek

Always popular market a fan fave for The Buds
CCCFMAWeather reports, by and large, have improved dramatically in recent years. Even with the added challenge of micro-climates around the Bay Area, the prognosticators have become pretty accurate. So, it was great expectation of downpours this Sunday passed, and hope that it would wait til noonish, that The Buds ventured to the first farmers market gig of the young season for the band.

Market Manager, Keith Farley sat with his iPhone examining the latest Doplar Radar graphics just before 9am, and stated with relative certainty that the rains would likely be light in the morning, and with any luck we might just get through til closing. Good call, Keith!

The good news is that dedicated shoppers came out to their market in pretty strong fashion, considering the forecast. And, as Keith proclaimed, the significant rain didn't start until just about time to wrap things up in the early afternoon.

All weather aside, it was a good day of music for The Buds. Back in our comfort zone, we were able to cover a lot of ground, playing pretty much non-stop for close to four hours. Band list-man, Jim McLaren, could likely tell you exactly what songs we played. Suffice it to say, we did a good amount of Neil Young, probably equal Dylan, some Stones, The Dead and others, intermingled with a hefty serving of originals, both appearing on our CD and ones not yet released.

One highlight of the day, for the band, at least, was a fan who came by looking and hoping that we had a second CD out, as he apparently has been enjoying "Organic Tuneage" and wants more. Nice, huh? :-) He hung out with us for quite a good part of the day, actually.

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